Wednesday, August 19, 2015


                     SKIMMING READING STRATEGY
WALT skim an unknown text so that we can  quickly get an understanding of it.  
I can decide if a book has useful information I need, or whether I want to read it for pleasure.
These are the things I can do to skim read...

Image result for SKIMMING READING
  1. look for key words
  2. look for a blurb
  3. look for pictures
  4. look at the cover
  5. look for contents
  6. look for chapter headings 

City life is better they country life - Term 3 Week 4

WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion.  This is the purpose for my writing.
Success Criteria:

  1. I plan for a writing task
  2. I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
  3. Give reasons with detail - use specific words
  4. I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
  5. I use capital letters, fullstops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
  6. Use persuasive language

City life is better they country life.

In my opinion city life is better they country life.

First, in the city the shops are around the corner, but in the country the shops are far away from your home and it would take forever to get to the shops.

In country life it would be hard to raise a baby or a kid, because you won’t have the money.  In the city you will have the money because you will go to work.

In city life there are more aquariums so you can see the things that live in the ocean.  The country has no aquarium to see the wonderful things that live in the ocean.

Therefore I believe that city life is better they country life.