Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fancy Cars - Week 1

This car has a completely black
screen and a completely gray body.
All these cars have black hubcaps.

This is a car with 6 lights at the front and 4 lights at the back.
This is a beautiful pink car, would you like to drive this car?
This is a Lamborghini

This car has yellow tyres and yellow inside the hubcaps.



Monday, April 6, 2015

My Swimming Reflection

I learned how to…  breathe on both sides.  

Something I found challenging was… nothing challenging.

At the end of the year I would like to improve on…floating on my  back.

Mrs Miller, Mr Kenny or Mrs Lowe could help me by…it was just

The best part about swimming was...everything.


My superhero lives in a dark cave in a forest.  In the cave are swords hanging on the wall.

My superheroes name is Smash.  He is 100 feet tall, and he has a sword and a boomerang.
His colour is black and red.  His logo is a red eagle, he has gloves with metal thorns on the knuckles.  He has very sharp teeth, his super powers are hypnotising, he turns into stuff.  He turns people into snakes.